Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Malcolm Gladwell is Smarter Than Me

Forgive me for wearing my blogging hat, but I just have to post a link to Malcolm Gladwell's most recent article in the New Yorker. If you've ever been skeptical of F.B.I. serial killer profiling--I promise--you will love this piece.

Other linkable stuff...

Ex-Cincinnati Bearcat James White is writing a blog for HoopsHype.

While "reading" James White's blandness I noticed another HoopsHype blog from ex-Texas Longhorn Gabe Muoneke, a guy that I hadn't thought of since he left Austin. But anyway...regardless of whether you remember him or not, his initial blog entry about his odyssey in the sport is witty, insightful and well written. I'm rooting Gabe Muoneke.

I could give you an example of my favorite passage from either Gladwell or Muoneke, but I'm tired. This is because I recently swallowed a shit ton of Benadryl.

Sweet dreams, people.

-Brad Spieser (Brad@TwinKilling.com)