Sunday, August 5, 2007

Serious Injuries

I love the smell of August, don't you? Also, I love Asians. Anyway...

By now, there's at least a 66 percent chance you've seen the, um...totally sick (and perhaps gnarly) X-Games accident where some skateboarder fell to earth from approximately 30 billion feet, and--if you're like me--you will probably watch the video three times a week for the next decade. It was fabulously tremendous.

But, the violent collision between man and ramp wasn't the most enjoyable moment from the 34 second clip; the final comment by Tony Hawk, who was in the booth at the time of said crash, gave this video "YouTube Hall of Fame" status.

Watch the video from start to finish, make sure the volume is up and pay close attention to Hawk's comments at the :26 mark. My comments to follow.

Is it possible that Hawk's "I can't believe he landed the 720" comment is the most inappropriate line in the history of words? Think about just might be. Listen, I know you don't give an S-word (shit) about extreme athletes getting wicked air (or whatever), so how about a baseball analogy: Imagine if Alex Rodriguez hit a 700 foot homerun and--as he rounded second base--was attacked by a polar bear...and as he's motionless on the field Joe Morgan, less than ten seconds after the mauling, says something like, "I can't believe how far A-Rod just hit that baseball!"

One last thing about this nonsense: Does anyone else wish the crashing skateboarder would have died, if only to eliminate the X-Games? He could have been like Rosa Parks. Or something.

See you in hell...
