Friday, August 17, 2007

My Mom Would be Proud

When I started this website of awesomeness I decided I had to be a shameless promoter. Really, there was no other way to operate, considering 71 trillion people have their own websites. Being that this was the case, my first action was to compile a mailing list. Most of the names on the list were--at the very least--acquaintances. But some of the names were just random email addresses I had saved for one reason or another, and I rudely added them to the list. This hasn't always worked out so well in the two months since starting this bad boy, and it came to a head just moments ago.

Take a look at what "reader" Matt S. just sent me: "This is my work address and I'd prefer not to get emails about gay athletes, farts, or how shitty the Reds are at work. Thanks."

No problem, guy.
