Shut Johnny Cueto down! No matter what! Even if his exit from Sunday's game redefined precaution! Even if he's ready to pitch tomorrow morning! Exclamation point! How loud do I need to scream? If the Reds are to play meaningful baseball contests in October in the immediate future, two things must happen: (1.) Johnny Cueto must be healthy, and (2.) Johnny Cueto must be healthy.
Cueto + Volquez = meal ticket - and I'm pretty sure Castellini/Jocketty/Baker get this. But you never know. This season is over and Cueto has been extremely impressive for a 22-year-old; he has nothing left to prove. Sure, he could probably sharpen his command or breaking ball, but you get my point: Cueto has proven that he has the ability to be a dominant starting pitcher...and thems are rare.
Especially in this town, where we long for the days of Pete Harnisch and Steve Parris.
-Brad Spieser (Brad@TwinKilling.com)
This video has nothing to do with your post, but it's funny. And i agree, shut cueto down. Shut all the promising players down
Cursing on live television will always make me laugh.
And I disagree that the promising players should be shut down. But Cueto and Daryl Thompson shouldn't throw another pitch.
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