Monday, March 10, 2008

The Wire is Over. We Need to Talk.

As you may have heard, the series finale of The Wire was Sunday night. It came and went with little fanfare. And I'm angry. Not necessarily that it's over, but because I have very few people to share it with (note: a message board is on the way, so this will have to do until it comes). I have four friends who watch the show religiously, and I've already talked extensively with three of them about the final episode. We talked about Bunk stealing the show at McNulty's wake, Slim Charles shooting Cheese, Valcheck becoming Commissioner, Prez's beard, etc., etc., etc. Oh, we also talked about Dukie becoming the new Bubbles, which was only the most heart-wrenching moment in television history.

And I know there's a decent chance you have no idea what I'm talking about at the moment, but if you do, please drop me a line. Really, I just want to talk about the show with someone, particularly the final episode. Were you upset McNulty became a family man? Do you think Kima really would have ratted out Freamon and McNulty? Does this mean Michael is the new Omar? Do you think it was too sappy when they actually showed Bubbles sitting down at the dinnner table with his sister and his nephew? I do. Don't you think the open door at the top of the steps implied enough? Anyway, I'm not sure any of this makes sense, but it can be cathartic to write rambling nonsense about the things you love.

And I fucking loved The Wire.

I didn't realize just how much I loved The Wire until I went to sleep last night. I woke up three different times thinking about a fictional character, the aforementioned Dukie, and how his life would never be the same. He was on screen for thirteen seconds in the closing montage, he didn't say a word, and yet it was as powerful as TV will ever get (save for some episodes of Intervention and all of Lou Holtz's pre-game speeches on ESPN).

Some genius put said thirteen seconds on YouTube, so I'm giving it to you. If you haven't seen the show, this scene won't mean a thing to you. BUT...if you're a diehard, like everyone who does watch The Wire, you are undoubtedly saddened at the sight of a kind-hearted teenager with nobody else to turn to but the street and the needle.

Jesus, I miss that show already.

Please Email me. Please. I need to share my emotions with more people. Seriously, help.

-Brad Spieser (