Tuesday, March 25, 2008

In Reponse to the Previous Post

Actual email I received regarding the news that Wikipedia has a page for fingering:

Yeah, Wikipedia is awesome. Not just because there is a page on fingering, but also because of the links on the fingering page. If you want to learn about important issues like the G Spot, female ejaculation, or even The Shocker, you are only a click away. Also, I just learned what a finger cot is. If you don't know, check it out. Do people actually carry these things around thinking "I might finger some anonymous girl tonight and I need protection?" Thanks TwinKilling. You are like 60 Minutes only more relevant, hard hitting, and with fewer geriatrics.

Mike S.


Thanks. I'm glad to know my website can contribute to the betterment of your life! In the meantime, go ahead and listen to "the kids with beards have all the fun," our podcast that inspired Craig's discovery on Wikipedia.

If you're feeling frisky, you can also check out the newest podcast, "give me your money." This can be helpful if you've ever wondered if you're a bad tipper. (Note: You probably are.)

-Brad Spieser (Brad@TwinKilling.com)